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All Shook Up

All Shook Up

Reminder: just because you might be eating a little lighter this time of year, don’t skimp on flavor.  Check out this super quick box-shake salad with MÁGICO

Buy a box of your favorite salad greens (arugula being a favorite here).  Open it, keeping the lid, and throw in some salad friendly extras—whatever you have on hand, but orange segments, halved cherry tomatoes and walnuts work well together.  Drizzle with your best extra virgin olive oil.  Give it a splash of acid (the juice from the leftover oranges do nicely).  And then go nuts with the MÁGICO.  Pop the box lid back on and shake gently until your arms get tired.  Invert onto a platter and dig in.

Salad with MÁGICO Sofrito Spice seasoning.